pacific coast university school of law.
1.1 The name of this
organization shall be: Student Bar Association of Pacific Coast University School of Law (SBA of PCU). (**)
2.1 To increase educational
opportunities for students.
2.2 To
provide students with study aids including but not limited to proctoring. (**)
2.3 To
serve as a communication link between the students, the Dean and faculty.
2.4 To
improve PCU School of Law's reputation in the legal community, the state and the nation. (**)
2.5 To
enhance the PCU exposure to the public at large.
2.6 To promote student
interaction and participation in school and SBA activities. (**)
3.1 All students at Pacific Coast University
School of law are members of The Student Bar Association with all privileges and rights thereto, including but not limited
to: the right to vote in student elections, the right to seek and hold elective
office in accordance with eligibility requirements of Article 6, the right to nominate candidates for elective office, the
right to address the Executive Committee at official meetings, and the right to participate in all Student Bar Association
activities, whether officially sponsored by the Student Bar or related
to other university organizations. (**)
4.0 Organizational structure.
The structure of this organization
shall consist of the following.
General Assembly
4.0 (a) All
members of the SBA constitutes the general assembly.
4.1 The executive committee shall consist of The President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Secretary,
and all Class Representatives. (**)
The president
4.1.1(a) The President shall be the chief executive of the Association
and in this capacity, the President shall be responsible to the Association and for coordinating the entire activities of
the Association. The President shall have the power to call emergency meetings and to appoint special committees. The President
shall represent the Association at any level as occasion may call for. The President shall preside over all meetings. (**)
4.1.1(b) The President conducts and chairs all meetings, sets
agenda, suspends and reopens debates, and calls for a vote as necessary.
4.1.1 (c) The
President appoints members to act for any elected official who is absent or sick, etc. Such appointment terminates at the
expiration of the assigned duty or on return of the elected official.
4.1.1(d) The President also performs all other duties as directed
by the general assembly.
4.1.2 The vice president
4.1.2(a) The Vice President shall assist the President in the
execution of his duties, preside over meetings when the President is absent and performs all the duties of the President any
time the President is absent.
4.1.2(b) In the event the office of the President becomes vacant,
the Vice President shall automatically assume the office of the President of the Association and shall appoint a successor
to the office of Vice-President. (**)
4.1.2(c) The Vice President shall oversee the activities any committees
formed and report back to Executive Committee.
4.1.2(d) The Vice President shall perform other activities as
directed by the general assembly.
4.1.3 The secretary
4.1.3(a) The Secretary records the minutes of the meetings of
the Association and prepares agenda for the next meeting after consultation with the President.
4.1.3(b) The Secretary
reads the minutes of the last meeting and makes changes as directed by the general assembly.
4.1.3(c) The Secretary
handles all correspondence of the Association as directed by the President.
4.1.3(d) The Secretary
serves as the keeper of the organization files and records.
4.1.3(e) The
Secretary also performs all other duties as directed by the general assembly.
4.1.4 THE
4.1.4(a) The Treasurer shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all Association funds including deposits and
4.1.4(b) The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting all Association funds, and all funds
collected shall be deposited in the Association account within 3 business days.
4.1.4(c) The Treasurer maintains the records of all financial transactions of the Association and prepares such
records for dissemination to the Executives and general assembly,
4.1.4(d) The Treasurer prepares and submits as needed all financial statements and/or financial summaries of the
4.1.4(e) The Treasurer performs all other duties as directed by the general assembly.
4.1.5: Class Representatives (**)
4.1.5(a): A Class Representative shall be elected by the students of each classroom to serve on the Executive Committee.
4.15(b): The Representative shall bring the concerns of the students of that classroom to the Executive Committee,
and shall serve as liaison between the Executive Committee and the students of that classroom. (**)
4.1.5(c): The Representative shall attend meetings of the Executive Committee, and shall have an equal vote in all
proceedings, with the exception of First Year Representatives, who shall not obtain said voting power until having served in the office for a period of three months. This Amendment may only be implemented upon enactment of Amendment 8, 2006. (**)
5.0 Tenure and election (**)
5:1(a): The term of office shall for the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall commence upon
completion of graduation ceremonies for the outgoing class, or one month following completion of classes for the traditional
school year (September to May), whichever occurs first. (**)
5:1(b): The term of office for Class Representatives shall commence upon election by each class and shall terminate
upon the following class election. If more than one Representative becomes present
in a class through grade succession, both Representatives shall continue to serve with all rights and privileges thereto until
that Representative’s succeeding class holds elections. (**)
5:1(c): Elections for all officers except Class Representatives shall be held at least three weeks prior to the
end of classes in the traditional school year (September to May). If the traditional
school year is no longer in use at PCU, then elections shall be held at least three weeks prior to the end of classes for
the predominant term. (**)
5:1(d): Elections for First Year Representatives shall be held within three months after the commencement of classes,
according to the procedures set forth by the Election Procedures Committee. Elections
for other Class Representatives shall be held within 45 days of the commencement of classes for that year’s term. (**)
5.2 (**)
5.2(a): All Executive Officers and Class Representatives shall be elected by a simple majority of those members
casting ballots. (**)
5.2(b): If no candidate receives a majority of all votes affirmatively cast for that office,
the Executive Committee shall conduct a run-off election without undue delay, normally within 7 days. The run-off election shall be between the two candidates that received the highest number
of votes affirmatively cast for that office, and no write-in candidates will be allowed. (**)
5.2(c): If there is a tie for second place, those tied candidates shall be in the run-off with the first place
candidate. If no candidate receives the majority of the affirmatively-cast votes
in the run-off election, the winner shall be the person who has received the largest number of affirmatively-cast votes. (**)
5.2(d): In the event of a tie in the run-off election, the winner will be chosen by a mutually agreed upon game
of chance. (**)
5.3: Voting shall be by secret
5.4 The President and Vice-President shall each appoint
two members to the Election Procedures Committee, each who shall be neither a candidate for office nor a current office holder
in SBA. The Election Procedures Committee shall be responsible for administering
the ballot process, insuring integrity, and for counting the ballots in all elections.
The Secretary shall observe and certify the ballot count. The results
shall be presented to the current Administration authority, and sealed in their presence, to be kept by said authority for
one year, and opened only in the event of an election contest. (**)
Eligibility to run for office.
6.1 The
Student Bar Association shall operate on a presumption that all students of the University are in good standing unless informed
otherwise by the current Administrative authority. (**)
6.2 Candidate must dedicate the time necessary to serve in the office.
6.3 Candidate for
the office of the President must be a third year student at the time of election.
6.4 Candidate for V.P. must be a second/third year student at time of election.
6.5 Candidate for Secretary may be first, second or third year student at time of election.
6.6 Candidate for Treasurer may be first, second or third year student a time of election.
6.7 Candidates should submit a personal statement of why they want to run for the office.
7.1 Any officer may resign his or her position in writing to the general assembly through the President.
7.2 If an office becomes vacant by resignation for any reason, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement
for that office.
7.3 Resignation
shall not relieve the officer of any accountability for criminal misconduct committed while in office.
7.4 Any officer can be relieved of his or her duty by the general assembly after due process.
7,5 Due process constitute allegation against an officer to be submitted to the executive council, the executive
council will conduct a hearing, offer the officer concerned opportunity to present his/her own side of the allegation. Then
the executive council will report its finding to the general assembly with recommendations.
8.1 General meeting of the Association will be held as necessary.
8.2 Executive meetings will be held as the need arises..
8.3 Meetings
of the Executive Committee with the Dean, current Administrative authority, or Faculty members shall be scheduled as needed. Reasonable notice shall be provided to all parties as to the time and subject matter
of the meeting. (**)
8.4 "The Electronic Meeting Act": Members of the
Executive Committee may participate in a meeting through use of conference telephone, electronic video screen communication,
or other electronic transmission by and to the Committee. Participation in a
meeting through use of these methods shall constitute presence in person at that meeting as long as all members participating
in the meeting are able to communicate in real time with one another. Participation
in a meeting through electronic transmission by and to the Committee constitutes presence in person at that meeting if both
of the following apply:
(A) Each member
participating in the meeting can communicate with all of the other members concurrently.
(B) Each member
is provided the means of participating in all matters before the Committee, including, without limitation, the capacity to
propose, or to interpose an objection to, a specific action to be taken by the Committee. (**)
8.5: All outgoing members of the Executive Committee shall provide incoming
members with documentation of their work for the previous year, financial records, and any other records of the Executive
Committee’s business for the preceding year(s) as may be relevant to the performance of the incoming members’
duties. (**)
9.0 Amendment to the constitution
9.1 Motions
for amendment to the Constitution shall be presented to the Executive Committee, who shall, after debate, duly present said
Motions to the General Assembly for consideration. The Executive Committee shall
offer an opinion on the merits of each Motion, and any student shall have the opportunity to rebut that opinion prior to a
vote on the Motions. (**)
9.2 The Executive Committee shall complete deliberations and refer the motion to the general assembly.
9.3 After due consideration by
the general assembly, any amendment to this Constitution shall be effected by a vote of not less than a two third majority
of the members present at a properly constituted general assembly meeting.
9.4 Any amendments to this
Constitution duly enacted in accord with the procedures enumerated within this document shall become effective and supercede
the existing document on
the first day of classes of the next new academic semester.