Officers' Online Clubhouse - PCU Student Bar Association

Meeting Minutes

Home | PCU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER AND AWARDS BANQUET - NOV. 6, 2010 AT 5:30 PM | SBA MEETINGS | PCUSBA CONSTITUTION - UPDATED | SIGMA DELTA KAPPA - Alpha Xi Chapter | SDK - Benefits of Membership | SATURDAY PROCTORING | Past California First Year Law Student Examination Questions and Answers | SPEAKER SERIES - SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 2008 | PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS INFORMATION SESSION | GRADUATION for the class of 2009 - JUNE 5, 2009 | PICNIC IN THE PARK - SEPTEMBER 12 - NOON TO 3PM | "RUDOLPH AGAINST PERPETUITIES" | HAPPY HOLIDAYS PARTY - DECEMBER 19, 2008 - 8:30 pm | Administrative Staff Changes | GENERAL AND BABY BAR PREP COURSES | OFFICERS - Contact Information | SBA President's Address by Jamee Rashi for Graduation, 2008 | Valedictorian Address by Roger Olson - Class of 2008 | AFLAC | MENTORING PROGRAM | BABY BAR 3 STEP SUCCESS PLAN | Meeting Minutes | BABY BAR LUNCH - Tuesday, June 24, 2008 | BAR PASSERS CELEBRATION - FRIDAY, MAY 16, 7:30PM | ADDRESS BY JOHN JONES, GRADUATION, CLASS OF 2007 | HISTORICAL AND HYSTERICAL | MOCK BABY BAR | BABY BAR | JUNE, 2007 GRADUATION SPEECH BY CAROLYN OLSON | JILL WOODS - In Memoriam | Last SBA Election Results | LAURA WILSON DOUD, CPA, JD (PCU - Class of 2005) HAS WON ELECTION AS LONG BEACH CITY AUDITOR ! | MNEMONICS (Memory Aids) | Operation Santa Paws charity | E-CARDS | LINKS, RESEARCH, CREDITS, etc.










May 23, 2007

The Members of the Executive Board of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met in the Law Library of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Having found that a quorum was present the meeting was called to order at 5:41 p.m. by the President, Carolyn Olson


The Minutes from the April 30th meeting were not available and so were not read and approved.  Michael said that he would forward a copy via Email.


Members present: Angela Ramos Treasurer, Michael Lindley Secretary, Carolyn Olson, President and President-Elect Jamee Rashi.


Angela Ramos reported that there is $465 in the account.


It was noted that the SBA is entirely self-funded.  So there were a few suggestions for ways to raise money.


50/50 raffle - Angela still has the extra raffle tickets
Auctioning off T-shirts at the Pizza Party

Engraved Beer mugs

Tank tops for the summer

Pen and pencil sets

Advertise the online PCU SBA store  -


Michael reported the election results as follows:


The Constitutional amendment that will allow a 2L to be nominated and elected as PCU SBA President passed overwhelmingly. 


The new President is Jamee Rashi

The new Vice President is Angela Ramos

The new Treasurer is Armando Estrada

The new Secretary is Tatiana Orozco


Michael certified the election results and left the written certification with the ballots with the admin office.


The current Track 2 First Year Representative, PJ Harris, will continue in her position until the first year ends in August. 


The next Track 1 First Year Representative will be elected by the new 1L class in September.


In order to facilitate communication there needs to be either an Officer or a representative in each of the 4 classes:


1)     Track 1 upper class,

2)     Track 1 - 1L class,

3)     Track 2 upper class and

4)     Track 2 - 1L class.


The new President, Jamee Rashi and the new Vice President, Angela Ramos will over the summer to coordinate a new T-shirt sale.  There are now two designs available for T-shirts, sweatshirts etc.


The next meeting will be July 3, 2007 at 5:30 p.m.  in the law library of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach,


There being no further business to come before the meeting and in the interests of time, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:06 p.m. by the newly elected President Jamee Rashi.


Respectfully submitted,


Jamee Rashi

Acting Recording Secretary

DRAFT minutes for April 9, 2007

Meeting called to order at 5:38. 


Minutes read and approved. 


Members present, Angela Ramos, Tatiana Orozco, Michael Lindley, and Carolyn Olson


Angela Ramos reported that there is $1036 in the account.


Discussion about plaques and certificates for members, protectors, who worked hard for the school.


Michael has a certificate making program so he will make the awards.  Angela will give him the paper.


Angela will go to a trophy shop and look for other awards for board members.


Aramando Estrada arrived at 5:39.


It’s a Grind cards ($50) will be given to the proctors.   $25 from SDK and $25 from SBA.


Purple T-shirts have been very popular so there will be another run.  Also some with the new design will be made.


Carolyn Olson announced that there will not be a speaker round table this year.


3L Hieu Vu expressed disappointment, stating that he always looked forward to it.


$250 will be given for the giving tree scholarship.


Michael and Hieu will be the election committee.


Speeches and voting will be on different nights.


Copy machine can number the ballets. 


Put on the ballet an amendment to allow a 2L to be nominated and elected as president.  Carolyn will word the amendment. 


Mike will print the ballets.


There is an opening for a track 2 first year rep. 


Michael moved to give all proffessors T-shirts. 


T-shirts will be given in first week of May.


Next meeting will be April 30 5:30


Angela has extra raffle tickets that she will hold onto.

Meeting at 6:16









MARCH 2, 2007


Meeting called to order at 5:39


Members present, Angela Ramos, Carolyn Olson, Sherrill Unsell, Aramando Estrada, Michael Lindley


Meeting Minutes approved with corrects of Sherrill’s name.


Treasurer reported that there is no change since last meeting.


Invitation flyers and postcards were viewed.  There were 20 people who passed the Baby Bar and Bar together.  The “RSVP” will be deleted.  A simple map will be printed on the back. 


5:46 Tatianna Orozco and Matt Hockman arrived.  Student H. Vu  was also present.


A discussion was held on whether or not to publish the names of the baby bar passers because of a rumor that of privacy. 


Fifty-fifty raffle tickets will be sold at Bar Passers.  Matt will purchase them.  The price will be a dollar a each or 6 or $5 and 13 for $10.

Angela reported that 22 shirts were sold to track 2 students.


ASB T-shirts will be sold at the Alumni Dinner but not at Bar Passers.


Angela reported that 2 SDK members will come and help set up.  SDK members will sell fifty-fifty tickets. 


Also a “Congratulations PCU” banner will be displayed also.


SDK will order 2 cakes one “Congratulations Bar Passers” and the other “Happy 80 PCU”


Carolyn will make the program and will be printed at PCU.  Sherrill donated the paper.


T-shirt logo contest due date is March 19.


A discussion was held with about what the prize should be for the giving tree scholarship.  Reduced tuition, cash, or a certificate to the law book store.  Also it was discussed whether or not to announce the amount awarded. 


The competition is open 2, 3 and 4L students to both tracks.



Matt mentioned about a hypnotist coming to speak to students to reduce anxiety.


10 people signed up for a mentor.


At speakers forum SDK will provide cookies and coffee on Friday 10and Saturday11.


Next meeting will be Tuesday 3, 5:30. 


Meeting adjourned at 6:29

Submitted by:

Michael Lindley, Secretary





Special Meeting Minutes re: Giving Tree Scholarship



The Officers of The Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on Thursday, May 5, 2005 at The Metzger Law Group, 401 E. Ocean Blvd, Ste 800, Long Beach, CA 90802.


Officers present were President Robert Alva, Vice-President Shardon Jackson and Treasurer Mariela Torres.


A quorum of officers having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., The President presiding.


Around 6:45 p.m., the Officers read through scholarship applicant’s statements individually and then discussed them as a group.


Based on the statements submitted, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to award The Giving Tree Scholarship to Carolyn Olson.


There being no further business to come before this Special Meeting, and on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Mariela Torres, Treasurer

Acting Recording Secretary for this meeting









On May 2, 2005 at approximately 6:00 p.m. the following Officers of the Student Bar Association met at The Superior Court of The State of California for the County of Los Angeles, Division M, 415 W. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, California 90802 for the purpose of ratification of Minutes of Meetings of the Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association of March 23, 2005; March 9, 2005; February 2, 2005; and January 5, 2005.


The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer were noticed as voting members and all voted unanimously to approve these Minutes.

This was the sole item of business and there being no other business to come before the Officers the meeting was adjourned prior to 6:30 p.m. prior to Moot Court.

Respectfully submitted,


Robert Campbell










MARCH 23, 2005


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on March 23, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in the Law Library of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were President Robert Alva, Vice President Shardon Jackson, Treasurer Mariela Torres, Secretary Robert Campbell, and First Year Track One Representative Angela Ramos. 


Also present were students Matt Hochman and Jennifer Lee.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by The President, who presided at the meeting.


Draft Minutes of the March 9, 2005 Minutes were distributed, but no action was taken on them.

On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Nomination Form and Notice of Meeting for upcoming PCUSBA elections were approved as submitted, contingent on a date for candidate speeches and a date for elections being forthcoming from the Dean’s Office and The Registrar’s Office.


The Vice President announced that she will advise SBA if it will be necessary to have a joint SDK and SBA election or if the election for the law fraternity will be held at another time.


There was discussion on T-shirts. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was resolved to give the remaining unsold T-shirts to faculty members with a note of appreciation to each professor.

The Treasurer gave a report on opening of a new bank account at U.S. Bank located in Von’s Market near the school. $1,272.15 was deposited, with no monthly fees. The Treasurer recommended the checking account have two signors. The Secretary stated he would ask the Dean to provide the Bank with the school’s EIN.


There was discussion on “The Giving Tree Scholarship.”


There was discussion on leaving a balance in the SBA account as a Prudent Reserve for next year’s officers to work with initially.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried,  “The Giving Tree Scholarship” was authorized in the amount of $500 and a Prudent Reserve for the 2005-2006 academic term was authorized in the amount of $500 to remain in the SBA account.


Jennifer Lee said she was going on a trip and was taking along a PCU T-shirt to be photographed in international locations.


There being no further business to come before the meeting and in the interests of time, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Robert Campbell










MARCH 9, 2005


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on March 9, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Lounge of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were President Robert Alva, Vice President Shardon Jackson, Secretary Robert Campbell, and First Year Track One Representative Angela Ramos.

Also present were students Carolyn Olson and Matt Hochman.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:40 p.m. by The President, who presided at the meeting.


Draft Minutes of the February 2, 2005 Minutes were distributed, but no action was taken on them.

There was discussion on upcoming election procedures and having numbered ballots was suggested. The Secretary announced he would email last year’s election notice for review.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was resolved to reimburse Angela Ramos for cost of Valentine’s Day refreshments.


There was discussion on the PCUSBA Website. The Secretary announced that Carolyn Olson and Angela Ramos would review the Website for their updating it next year. Carolyn Olson is currently updating the pages for the SDK Law Fraternity. Angela Ramos will be editing a page for First Year Track One which will be added to the site soon. Robert, Carolyn and Angela will do Website editing together on Wednesdays.


There was discussion on “The Giving Tree” Scholarship. The President’s proposal is attached hereto and made part hereof and is entitled “GIVING TREE SCHOLARSHIP 2004-2005.” 


There was discussion on the Giving Tree Scholarship.


Items discussed included were whether a By-Law amendment would be needed, in whose memory it would be dedicated, that officers and/or any committee members deciding on such scholarship would be ineligible to receive it. There was also a discussion on the possibility of eliminating the familial status language in the qualifications and substituting a set of factors, instead, which could include that of working parent, etc.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, a Special Meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, March 23, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. to further discuss the “Giving Tree Scholarship.”


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was resolved to at all times leave $250 in the Operating Account as a prudent reserve for the following school term.


There being no further business to come before the meeting and in the interests of time, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Robert Campbell,










FEBRUARY 2, 2005


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on February 2, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in the Law Library of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were Treasurer Mariela Torres, Secretary Robert Campbell, First Year Track One Representative Angela Ramos, and First Year Track Two Representative Mireya Guttierez.

Also present was student Matt Hochman.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m. by The Secretary, who presided at the meeting.


Draft Minutes of the January 5, 2005 Minutes were distributed, but no action was taken on them.


The Treasurer reported the total balance in the SBA account as of January 31, 2005 was $1,280.15, and that $532.00 had been raised by the SBA in the Unicef Tsunami Relief Effort. She stated that the funds for the Tsunami Relief would be mailed by the end of the week.


The Treasurer reported that we are continuing to incur monthly service charges of $8.00 at the Bank. Matt Hochman suggested we investigate the use of other banks and kindly offered to help look into it and to communicate in this regard with the Treasurer.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was resolved to reimburse the Treasurer for $50 for hors d’oeuvres for the Roundtable Speakers Series.


There was discussion on the Giving Tree Scholarship. There were suggestions on how to vote for such scholarship, e.g. using a system such as is used in voting for recipients of the Alumni Association Awards.


There was discussion on making plans for next year’s SBA, inasmuch as the Track 2 school term carries on after Track 1 and Upper Class. It was suggested that new officers for the 2005-2006 School Term begin meeting during the Summer of 2005 with the Track 2 First Year Representative as a transitional officer. There was also discussion on electronic and/or other remote voting during the Summer in a manner consistent with Parliamentary Procedure and with the applicable statutes for California unincorporated associations.


There was discussion on the incoming Board beginning early to develop a Speakers List for next year’s Roundtable Speakers Series.


There was discussion on the procedures for this coming year’s SBA Elections, in keeping with the President’s Request at the January 5, 2005 meeting.  The Secretary said that last year’s Election Rules would be distributed and that the SDK would need to distribute their own Election Rules and monitor their own election. The Secretary said he would coordinate with the Dean as to which Friday night class time would be available for campaign speeches, for both SBA and SDK, with the provision that while the campaigning could be done at the same time, the balloting needed to be segregated by organization as there were disputes last year about this.


The Treasurer announced that there were still T-shirts left and that any proceeds from sale of same would now go to the SBA as the Tsunami Drive had been successfully completed.


There being no further business to come before the meeting and in the interests of time, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Robert Campbell,










JANUARY 5, 2005


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on January 5, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in the Lobby of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804. This Special Meeting was called by President Robert Alva.


Officers present were President Robert Alva, Vice President Shardon Jackson, Treasurer Mariela Torres, Secretary Robert Campbell, and First Year Representative Angela Ramos.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:40 p.m. by The President, who presided at the meeting.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of November 3, 2004 were approved as submitted.


The Treasurer reported the costs of creating T-shirts was $176.11. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was resolved to reimburse these costs.


The Treasurer reported that the account balance was $1,296.15. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was resolved to reimburse Robert Campbell for the $50 advance for obtaining the Carl’s Jr. Burger Books.


There was discussion on moving the account to another bank. There was a suggestion that Farmers and Merchants Bank be contacted to see if this would be one option which could be considered.


There was discussion on the SBA taking on a Service Project for Tsunami victims. Two charities were considered: The Red Cross and UNICEF.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was resolved to support UNICEF.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was resolved that donations would be collected for UNICEF Tsunami relief through January 31, 2005 and also that all funds collected for sale of SBA t-shirts and sweat shirts and money collected for the Round Table Mixers through and including January 31, 2005 would all be donated by the SBA to UNICEF.

The Secretary said he would update the website and prepare flyers and also contact Track 2 students. The Treasurer said she would announce it to Upper Class and the First Year Representative said she would announce it to Track 1.


There was discussion on the Round Table mixers.


There was discussion on the Giving Tree Scholarship.


There was discussion on making plans for next year’s SBA.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried it was resolved to keep at least $200 in the SBA account for next school term.


There was discussion on naming a program after our late student Lawrence Aguilar.


There was discussion on the procedures for this coming year’s SBA Elections.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Secretary was given the responsibility of implementing last year’s procedures and any other necessary procedures for the conduct of the 2004-2005 school term SBA elections.


Angela Ramos, the Track 1 First Year Representative, was thanked for all her efforts.


There being no further business to come before the meeting and in the interests of time, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Robert Campbell,










NOVEMBER 3, 2004


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on November 3, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. in the Law Library of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were Vice President Shardon Jackson, Treasurer Mariela Torres, Secretary Robert Campbell, and First Year Representative Angela Ramos. Also present was Steve Edwards.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:40 p.m. by The Vice President, who presided at the meeting.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of October 6, 2004 were approved as submitted.


The Treasurer reported the SBA had brought in $426, including $47 from the Judge Wright Roundtable and $400 for T-shirts and $15 from sale of used books.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Treasurer and Vice President were authorized to go to Washington Mutual on Friday, November 5, 2004 to execute signature cards.


The Treasurer also stated she had pictures from the T-Shirt Fashion Show. It was suggested a presentation be made to Track 2 students regarding the T-Shirts.


Regarding more used books available for sale, it was moved, seconded and carried that such used books be sold for $1 each  “as is” on November 6, 2004.

There was a discussion on Carl’s Burger Books.

Regarding the Judge Wright Roundtable, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Officers thanked Track 1 First Year Representative Angela Ramos for bringing food for that event.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Officers express their thanks to Saeid Agari and Jordan Banigan for counting ballots for the election for the First Year Representative.

The First Year Representative said she would email the mailing list for First Year Students to the Secretary.


There was discussion on a possible Christmas service project for the Flossie Lewis Recovery Center in Long Beach.


There was discussion regarding the Roundtable Mixer with a comment that women legal professionals also be invited to speak.

All other projects being coordinated by the President were tabled to next meeting, on motion duly made, seconded and carried.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, an informal special meeting was scheduled to discuss the winter break Pizza Party, said meeting scheduled for November 17, 2004 at 5:30 p.m.


There being no further business to come before the meeting and in the interests of time, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 6:14 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Robert Campbell,












OCTOBER 6, 2004


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on October 6, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. in the Law Library of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were President Robert Alva, Vice President Shardon Jackson, Treasurer Mariela Torres, Secretary Robert Campbell, First Year Representative Angela Ramos. Also present were Carolyn Olson and Steve Edwards and other students.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by President Robert Alva who presided at the meeting.


The executed Bank Signature Card Resolution and Affidavit was given to the Treasurer to present to the Bank.


There was a discussion on the various Round Table Mixers and proposed venues.


The President discussed arrangements for the upcoming Roundtable Mixer with Judge Wright.


There was a discussion on T-Shirts. The Treasurer said she would design the order form for the T-Shirts.


There was a discussion on a Fashion Show to promote sale of the T-Shirts scheduled for Friday, October 15th at the 8pm Break.

There was discussion on a used book sale, and Carl’s Burger Books Fundraiser.

The Vice President announced a January Bar Review Night, with a table in the Hallway for representatives of various Bar Review Programs.




There was discussion on SDK Proctoring.


There being no further business to come before the meeting and in the interests of time, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 6:19 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Robert Campbell,














AUGUST 7, 2004


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met  on August 7, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. at the home of Marjorie and Robert Campbell in  Long Beach, California 90804. 


Officers present were President Emeritus Netta Jones, President Robert Alva, Vice-President Shardon Jackson, Treasurer Mariela Torres, and Secretary Robert Campbell.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by President Robert Alva who presided at the meeting.


Just prior to the meeting being called to order, the President announced to the Secretary the following Lecture Series on the following Tuesday evenings, from 7:30-9:00 p.m. at the Allegria Restaurant in downtown Long Beach:


October 19 – Judge James Wright – “Life and Career in the Law”

November 16 – City Prosecutor Thomas Reeves

February 15 – Long Beach City Attorney Gary Anderson – “Defender of The  City”

March 15 – Thomas Stoltman, California State Bar Association – “The Role of the Lawyer in Our Society."


A Resolution regarding signors for the bank account at Washington Mutual Bank was distributed and then signed and returned to the Secretary.

There was discussion on proctoring. The Vice President explained that this is a function of the SDK Fraternity, and the SBA officers offered to help the SBA if there was any problem in future staffing the proctoring sessions.


There was discussion on SBA funding for the coming year, particularly of the picnic.


The President-Emeritus generously offered to advance the SBA the funds for the food for the picnic and said the SBA could reimburse her after the start of the school year as it obtained funds from fundraising projects. The Officers thanked her very much for her kind offer and accepted.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried it was resolved that the picnic scheduled for September 11, 2004  would  be held at its traditional location, Wardlow Park, from 11 am to 4 pm on that day.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the SBA officers resolved to assist the Registrar’s Office do as much as possible to prepare the picnic.  The President-Emeritus said we should bring folding chairs and 4 tables for the food.


The Treasurer offered to draft a letter to faculty members to remind them of the picnic and to invite them to attend.


All officers with access to student phone numbers and or email addresses offered to remind students of the picnic and to urge them to attend.

There being no further business to come before the meeting and on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10 AM.


Respectfully submitted,



Robert Campbell












APRIL 30, 2004


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met for an Organizational Meeting on April 30, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Lounge of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were President Netta Jones, Treasurer Peggy Replogle and Secretary Robert Campbell. Officers-Elect present were Robert Alva, Shardon Jackson, Mariela Torres, and Robert Campbell. Also present was Registrar Jill Woods.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Netta Jones who presided at the meeting.


Contact Information for Officers-Elect was distributed by and returned to the Secretary.


Treasurer Peggy Replogle and Treasurer-Elect Mariela Torres discussed responsibilities of the Treasurer’s position and changing signatures on the bank account.


There was discussion on SBA funding for the coming year.

There was discussion on outgoing officers communicating with the President-Elect about programs of the past term which they believed were successful and ones which they believed needed improvement.


The Register said it would be a good idea to arrange a meeting during the Summer to go over the Master Calendar.


There was discussion on Upper Class Proctoring.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was resolved to donate the remaining Carl’s, Jr. Fundraising Discount Coupon Books to faculty and staff, with thanks of the SBA.

There being no further business to come before the meeting and on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Robert Campbell










JANUARY 21, 2004


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on January 21, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Lounge of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were President Netta Jones, Treasurer Peggy Replogle and Secretary Robert Campbell.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m. by President Netta Jones who presided at the meeting.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, minutes of the meeting of  November 5, 2003 was approved as submitted and the minutes of the meeting of November 19, 2003, was approved as corrected.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, Donny Shockley was elected First Year Representative, upon the resignation of Andy Marcham, pursuant to Article 7, Section 7.02 of the PCUSBA Constitution.


The President reviewed the Calendar.  On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following meeting dates were cancelled:  February 25, March  17, and April 21, with the SDK/SBA Table remaining on the second Friday of each month, except that the last such table will be on April 16, 2004.


It was noted that Quarter Break is February 16th through 21st and that classes resume Monday, February 23, 2004, which is also the night of the Criminal Procedure Final Examination.


There was discussion on Proctoring. The President said she would need a replacement for the Contracts proctor beginning Saturday, February 24th. The Secretary volunteered to proctor the last Contracts session on April 3rd.


There was discussion on how Proctoring might be handled next year.


The President announced an SDK Enterainment Law Workshop on February 14, 2004 and the SDK Initiation on March 6, 2004.

There was discussion on the Mock Baby Bar, scheduled for March 27th.


Due to time constraints, and on motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:20 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,

Robert Campbell, Secretary









NOVEMBER 19, 2003


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on November 19, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Lounge of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were President Netta Jones, Vice President Sue Simpson, Treasurer Peggy Replogle, First Year Representative Andy Marcham and Secretary Robert Campbell. Also present was Treasurer Emeritus Tom Knoll.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:37 p.m. by President Netta Jones who presided at the meeting.


This was a special Budget Meeting.


There was discussion on the bank account at Western Mutual. It was noted that Sue Simpson was a signor on the bank account.


Tom Knoll announced that there was $338 in the account. Treasurer Peggy Replogle announced there was $400 on hand to deposit in the account.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, Tom Knoll, Peggy Replogle and Sue Simpson were authorized to make a deposit into the bank account and make whatever changes were necessary to the signature card there.


There was  discussion about the Christmas party.


There was discussion on the SDK/SBA Information Table. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the day of the month designated for the table was moved from the second Wednesday of each month to the second Friday of each month.


There was discussion on a Year Book and on polling students regarding a Year Book.


In the interests of time and on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 6:18 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Robert Campbell










NOVEMBER 5, 2003


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on November 5, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Lounge of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were President Netta Jones, Treasurer Peggy Replogle and Secretary Robert Campbell.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Netta Jones who presided at the meeting.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, minutes of the meetings of  October 15, 2003; October 1, 2003; and September 17, 2003 were approved as submitted.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, Sue Simpson was elected Vice President, upon the resignation of Norm Ricabo, contingent on her accepting this position, pursuant to Article 7, Section 7.02 of the PCUSBA Constitution.


There was discussion on the Christmas Party slated for December 20, 2003 from 12-5pm.


There was a discussion on the SBA Budget and bank account.


There was discussion on Upper Class Proctoring. The President said she would do the Upper Class Proctoring for next year, in the event other proctors could not be found.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, a Budget Meeting was scheduled for the PCUSBA Executive Committee meeting scheduled for November 19, 2003 at 5:30 p.m.

The Secretary was asked to draft a resolution for banking purposes.


Due to time constraints, and on motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:15 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,

Robert Campbell, Secretary









OCTOBER 15, 2003


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met in Executive Session on October 15, 2003 at 5:00 p.m. in the Law Library of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were President Netta Jones, Vice President Norm Ricabo, Treasurer Peggy Replogle, First Year Representative Andy Marcham, and  Secretary Robert Campbell. Also present were Faculty Advisor Professor Victoria Richardson, Registrar Jill Woods, and Jostens Representative Bill R. Wilson.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Netta Jones who presided at the meeting.


There was discussion on a Yearbook and bids from Jostens were taken.


There was discussion on any ad sales for the Yearbook. The Treasurer recommended the following advertising rates: Full Page $200 (student), $250 (outside); Half Page $150 (student), $175 (outside); Quarter Page $100 (student), $125 (outside).


There was discussion on a Student Poll regarding interest in a Yearbook and in Advertising Sales and Committee Assignments.


The Secretary announced that Police Athletic League (PAL) would be interested in receiving any athletic equipment that the SBA could collect for their Christmas Party on December 15th. This is for an after school program for middle school children run by PAL. There was discussion on this being a good way for the school to network with the Police Department. The President indicated we could begin collecting such equipment during the month of November, 2003.

Due to time constraints, and on motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Robert Campbell, Secretary



OCTOBER 1, 2003


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on October 1, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Lounge of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were President Netta Jones, Vice President Norm Ricabo, Treasurer Peggy Replogle and Secretary Robert Campbell. Also present were Faculty Advisor Professor Victoria Richardson and First Year Representative Andy Marcham.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Netta Jones who presided at the meeting. 


The President discussed the "Light the Night" Walk scheduled for October 12, 2003 at the Newport Dunes Resort in Newport Beach and presented the TEAM PCU Banner provided by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.


There was discussion on the Christmas Party slated for December 20, 2003 from 12-5pm. The President announced that the Guest Suites is booked and the rate is $350 plus 18% tax. The SBA will provide food, plastic ware and plates. There was discussion on entertainment and on the menu for the luncheon. 


The Vice President suggested that instead of "Toys for Teens," those attending the party be asked to bring "Gifts for Teens."  The Secretary suggested the Police Athletic League as a possible charity and said he would contact them before the next meeting.


There was discussion on the Proctoring Schedule for October, with a change for October only in the rotation of the subjects for the Upper Class Proctoring.


The President reminded everyone that a representative from Jostens would be at the meeting October 15, 2003 with a special presentation on the Year Book and indicated the representative would be arriving around 5pm so if officers could be there at that time it would be helpful.

The Secretary asked if there was time at the next meeting that some organizational business be attended to.

All were reminded  that the SDK/SBA Table would be up the second Wednesday of every month.


There was discussion on a Bake Sale in November around Thanksgiving time.


The Treasurer reported that she has completed the Suggestion Box and would be bringing it into school.

The President asked for any items for the newsletter.


The Faculty Advisor discussed the review of the exam books for the students taking the October Baby Bar and indicated if students wanted to they could communicate with faculty reviewing the books by email.


Due to time constraints, and on motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:20 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,

Robert Campbell, Secretary



SEPTEMBER 17, 2003


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on September 17, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Law Library of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were President Netta Jones, Vice President Norm Ricabo, Treasurer Peggy Replogle and Secretary Robert Campbell. Also present were Faculty Advisor Professor Victoria Richardson and students John Jones and Sue Simpson.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Netta Jones who presided at the meeting.


There was discussion on the election of the First Year Representative. The President announced that the date set for the election of the First Year Representative was Friday, October 3, 2003 in Professor Richardson's class. Professor Richardson, the Secretary and all the Officers discussed forms which would be submitted to the First Year students in advance of the election, explaining the role of the First Year Representative, requesting nominations, etc.


The President announced that Proctoring Sessions would be for the first three Saturdays in each month and would begin Saturday, October 4, 2003. She announced the following Proctors for the 2003-2004 term:


Upper Class Proctors:


Mark Morin - Remedies

( to be arranged) - Civil Procedure

Barbara Mann and John El-Amin - Criminal Procedure


First Year Proctors:


Shardon Jackson - Torts

Matthew Bequette - Crimes

Matthew Bequette and Netta Jones - Contracts


The President also announced that there would be Proctoring Training Sessions, possibly beginning September 27, 2003 or at some time prior to the first Proctoring Session, that copies of the proctoring materials would be kept on file and also that the proctors would have copies of the professor's syllabus in the area being proctored.


There was discussion on Multistate Practice. Professor Richardson said that the Contracts class would be using the multistates from Finals.


There was discussion on the review being planned for the students who would be sitting for the October, 2003 First Year Bar Examination.


John Jones inquired as to when the students email addresses would be functioning on the The President referred this question to the Secretary who replied that the Registrar's Office would be working on this and that the Secretary has offered to help with the input, if the Registrar's Office wants assistance.


Sue Simpson asked about the CALI site and asked the Officers to inquire as to how a school can register with CALI so that its student can take advantage of the many lesson plans offered by CALI. The Secretary was asked to check into this. There was also discussion on book purchases through and (Books A Million).


It was suggested we have a Suggestion Box. The Treasurer offered to help with this.


The President announced that at the SBA Officers Executive Committee Meeting on  October 15 will start at 5:00 p.m. because of a Special Presentation by a representative from Josten's to discuss the Year Book.


There was discussion on a Fundraiser for December 20th, a benefit with toys for teens and a Christmas party for students, faculty and their families, including children.

There was discussion on possible venues.


A motion by the Vice President, which was seconded, that the December 20th family event be held at the Guest House from 1pm to late afternoon, was carried.


SBA Faculty Advisor Professor Victoria Richardson discussed a raffle for PMBR bar review materials which she was working on with PCUSBA PMBR representative, Shardon Jackson.


Professor Richardson also discussed her ideas for a raffle of baked goods.

Due to time constraints, and on motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Robert Campbell, Secretary




JULY 9, 2003


The Officers of the Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association met on July 9, 2003 at 6:00 p.m. in the Law Library of the school, located at 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, California 90804.


Officers present were President Netta Jones, Vice President Norm Ricabo, Treasurer Peggy Replogle and Secretary Robert Campbell. Also present was Registrar Jill Woods.


A quorum having been determined, the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Netta Jones who presided at the meeting.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the draft minutes of the last meeting of Officers held April 30, 2003 were noted for the record, but unapproved, as there was not a quorum of any students who were then officers in attendance with any authority to so approve them.


Treasurer Peggy Replogle spoke and asked for more information about her responsibilities as Treasurer and also stated that she and some other students would be interested in knowing how to better utilize the Law Library.


There was a discussion on Student Discounts.  On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Officers voted to continue with the Carl's, Jr. Fundraising Project and to have the Carls, Jr. coupon books at all times available for sale at the SDK/SBA table this coming school year.


In discussing contacting other Traffic Circle businesses for student discounts, the Registrar said she would send the Treasurer a copy of the school's letterhead so the Treasurer could edit the draft letters to merchants and then word process and print them for the Secretary to deliver to the merchants.


The President distributed copies of the Constitution of the Student Bar Association to all Officers.  It was noted that the membership would need to approve any amendments thereto. The Secretary offered to retype the Constitution so that it could be made available online, etc.


There was discussion on the Student Directory and the email addresses on the official  website for this coming term.


There was discussion on the upcoming School Picnic, which is scheduled for September 6, 2003 from Noon to 3pm at Wardlow Park, 3457 Stanbridge Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90808.


Officers are requested to be at the Park at 10:30 a.m. to held set up.


There was some discussion on the menu for the picnic. The President said that she would bring some chairs.


There was discussion on the retirement of Judge Garner.


Proctors for this year, both for Upper Class and for the First Year Students are:


Upper Class Proctors

Mark Morin - Remedies

( to be arranged) - Civil Procedure

Barbara Mann and John El-Amin - Criminal Procedure


First Year Proctors:

Shardon Jackson - Torts

Matthew Bequette - Crimes

Matthew Bequette and Netta Jones - Contracts


The Student Bar Association expresses its appreciation to all who have volunteered to proctor this year.


There was discussion on Mentoring. Various officers and the Registrar suggested the use of some sort of Information Card which might facilitate the matching of First Year Students and Mentors.


There was discussion on the SBK/SBA Table.


On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was resolved that the SBK/SBA Table will be set up in the hallway off the elevator on the Second Wednesday of each month during the school year, unless this day conflicts with any major final examinations.


The Registrar distributed a Master Academic Calendar for the School Year, which was well received by the Officers. This Master Calendar shows which week of each course is being taught on each day, in addition to indicating school breaks, etc. The Registrar indicated this was in draft form at this time and was expected to be finalized on or about August 25th.


There was a discussion on a newsletter, and whether it would be monthly or not and whether a committee should be appointed for the newsletter, as well as whether this newsletter might be available online.  The Secretary commented that the Dean had said there was a lot of historical information about the school available and the Secretary said he thought it might be interesting to photocopy and include from this collection a short historical piece with each newsletter.


There was a general discussion on the use of SBA funds. The President stated that it might be good to establish a tradition whereby the SBA makes a gift to the school each year.


There was general discussion about a Christmas Fundraiser for the Saturday after Mid-Term examinations, with proceeds going towards needs in the community. There was discussion that a committee could be appointed to help organize this.



There as general discussion as to a Student Interests Card which might be developed and made available for students to pick up and complete at the SDK/SBA Table.


There was general discussion on a Year Book. The Treasurer and the Registrar showed the other Officers the Year Book which Jennifer Lee edited and the 2002-2003 First Year Class published. This Year Book was well-received by the Officers.  It was remarked that outgoing PCUSBA Secretary Robert Kasamatsu had also expressed interest in there being a Year Book 


There was discussion on having a Picture Gallery for the Dean and for the Faculty.


The Secretary  also remarked that it might be good to have Faculty ID Cards made when the Student ID cards are made, in case any of the Student Discount Offers the SBA may be receiving might be linked to the showing of such ID cards.


There was general discussion on High School and College Career Days and Speakers' Bureaus, especially in the Long Beach and Cerritos areas. The Registrar commented that this was something the SBA could work on and designate speakers on its own.


The President indicated it would be a good idea to pass the gavel and give a gift to the school at Graduation.


There was discussion on purchasing a gavel and the Registrar remarked that University Trophy at Clark and Spring has the PCU logo.


There was discussion about Electives for 2004-2005, and the Registrar indicated we might have news of this around April, 2004.


There was discussion about the First Year Representative for this coming school year and the Officers indicated they would table this discussion until around October, 2003.


The Registrar reported on a number of items.

She said there are two lockable storage containers in the Upper Class classroom for SBA and SDK, and that there are mail slots in the Faculty Room for SBA and SDK.


With regard to the Master Academic Calender, she stated that she needed dates for proctoring back to her before August 25th, and asked that the Law Fraternity and SBA calendar ahead as much as possible always checking with the school in advance as to dates to avoid any scheduling conflicts. She also asked that SBA notify the Registrar's Office in advance for permission to use the school's facilities for any events.


There was discussion in the Mock Baby Bar. There was discussion that the date for the Mock Baby Bar may be changed this year.


The President discussed the Bar Passers Party. She indicated December 5th might be a better date for this event this coming year, with students being allowed to leave classes for the party at 8pm.that night.  She also stated that this year perhaps at the Bar Passers' Party that those who successfully passed the Baby Bar would also be acknowledged.


The Vice President volunteered to take pictures of SBA activities to be featured in any newsletters the SBA might publish and also to make a photo montage of such pictures for display at school and by the SDK/SBU table.

There being no further business to come before the meeting and on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Robert Campbell

Your Student Bar Association is a non-profit association. There are no dues or fees for membership.We are self-supporting for our own contributions. Watch for opportunities to support your SBA. All students at PCU are automatically members of the SBA.

Pacific Coast University School of Law Student Bar Association, 1650 Ximeno Avenue, Suite 310, Long Beach, CA 90804-2150 USA